Rental Agreement
Rental Agreement: Payment is due upon booking sign(s).
Yardfetti representatives will have signs staked in yard on agreed upon day and for agreed upon time. Yardfetti representatives will remove signs from customers yard when rental period has ended.
Customer agrees not to move signs once signs are staked in yard. If customer wants to move signs, contact with Yardfetti must be made prior to moving.
Customer agrees to not damage signs or stands. Customer is responsible for damage to Yardfetti property for acts of negligence or mistake (ex. accidentally running over sign, damage from lawn maintenance).If sign is damaged by customer or customers employee, customer is respnosible for sign replacement.
Customer is not responsible for acts of God, theft, or other unforseable or unavoidable events.
Refund Policy
Refund will be granted if request is made 48 hours prior to day of rental.
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Paypal
- Offline Payments